Web Semineri : AcuSolve Kullanılarak Gerçekleştirilen Hesaplamalı Aero Akustik Uygulamalar

6 Mart tarihinde gerçekleştirilen “AcuSolve kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen Hesaplamalı Aero Akustik Uygulamalar” konu başlıklı web seminerinin kayıt dosyasını izlemek için TIKLAYINIZ.

Application of Computational Aero Acoustics using AcuSolve

Fluid created noise sources, their generation, propagation, and mitigation is a concern in a variety of industries including automotive, aerospace and energy. The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to predict the noise sources and methods of propagation of the noise will be presented. An introduction to the types of sources: monopoles, dipoles and quadropoles will be presented along with the different methodologies to predict the noise source as well as the noise location.