Web Semineri : Solving for Structural Responses based on Fluid Temperature Loading

20 Şubat tarihinde gerçekleştirilen web seminerinin kayıt dosyasını izlemek için TIKLAYINIZ.

Smart Multiphysics Webinar Series
Solving for Structural Responses based on Fluid Temperature Loading

Thermal loading on structures typically involves the CAE engineer supplying the surface temperatures directly. In the case where the surface of the structure is subject to interaction with a fluid such as air or water, AcuSolve can be used to calculate these values which can subsequently be used for structural thermal loading.
This webinar will demonstrate this capability using Altair’s flagship structural and CFD solvers (RADIOSS and AcuSolve).

Smart Multiphysics Web Seminerleri :

Web Semineri : Katı -akışkan etkileşim problemlerinin AcuSolve & RADIOSS ile doğrudan çözümü
27.02.2013 Optimizing Performance & Accuracy Using Flexible Bodies REGISTER NOW
06.03.2013 Application of Computational Aero Acoustics using AcuSolve REGISTER NOW