Web Semineri : Otomotiv aerodinamik simülasyonları – ALTAIR HyperWorks

Üniversite öğrencileri ve taşıt aerodinamik simülasyonlarına ilgi duyanlara yönelik olarak düzenlenen web seminerine katılım ücretsizdir. 1,5 saat sürecek olan web seminerini izlemek için kayıt yaptırılması zorunludur.
Konuşmacı | Marc Ratzel |
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Saat | |
In this session, Marc Ratzel will give a quick overview of automotive aerodynamic studies before presenting HyperWorks tools in action. Amongst other topics this will include model preparation, design changes using morphing, solver technology (Navier-Stokes as well as Lattice Boltzmann) and shape optimization.
Then Marc will review the three steps in performing an external aerodynamic analysis of a vehicle. The first step is to prepare the geometry for a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) solver run, generate a surface mesh and a volume mesh. Depending on the utilized solver technology, the resulting surface mesh has to fulfill different quality requirements. The second step is the solver run itself, often executed on a multi-processor machine to reduce turnaround time. In the third step, the relevant data is extracted yielding the drag coefficient for example.